Original Post

19-10-2012 14:26

Originally posted by hardickk at 19-10-2012 04:43
For me till now the whole experience is a bit surreal and dreamlike.  ...

FWIW my own first experience was good - she was patient, lots of foreplay, she enjoyed it, and made me feel welcome

and my second experience was a complete contrast - she was fake, rushing, smelled of fags, and went back to her computer the moment we finished

... if my second experience had been my first one, I would never have had a second experience let alone contributed any of what I've written about here ... first impressions matter a lot

So don't worry, get out there and do it again.  It's perfectly OK to walk away from a girl who doesn't make you feel welcome: I find it very effective to hesitate at the door just before walking in - you instantly get a reading on their level of arrogance / desire to control you / level of empathy and concern / etc
You need to get better at reading the nonverbal signals in her db photos and when you first see her, and you need some more miles under your wheels.  You can have GREAT experiences with a WG, but they are not at all the rule.  When you have one, you know you did something right

hardickk 20-10-2012 01:54 Acceptance +1

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