Original Post

18-7-2012 14:12

I'm overwhelmed at bros replies. Thanks this is really a great place to talk about these sensitive issues and with fellow bros who also engage in this hobby.

To the people that say go screw white women, I have done it a few times and it has never been good. To be honest, I just dont get the same feeling of being a man than I do by having sex with an asian woman who will have so much chemistry with me. I'll be honest, I have turned down women who have asked me out in order to stay focus and advance in my career and I always girls checking me out. It's not that I am a sad loser.

It's just that at the time of writing I was beginning to think about the future too much and the effects on the chinese race. I thought about how secretly every asian girl, be it your wife, girlfriend, mother or sister, is secretly fantasizing about sex with a white man meaning you can never ever fully satisfy her - its that thought that made me wild. To me, white men just look prematurely old to me - I mean white hairs since you are born?? How can girls fantasize about their grandpa's ?? That's the way I saw it.

But, must say, I am more calm now than at the time of writing that post. Thank's to your reply, I agree with you guys, especially the image created by the media and the rich, which is dominated by whites, contribute to all the brain washing inside a girls mind. I think the tables are turning as we speak (or post)...

SEAJ 18-7-2012 14:19 Acceptance +1 U still don't get it, do U? Sigh..!
xiaodidi 18-7-2012 14:44 Karma +2 agreed, the Western empire is crumbling
simpleneeds 18-7-2012 16:20 Acceptance +1 This threat is over...
Frenchexpat 18-7-2012 17:03 Acceptance +1 Sigh...
Petay_1283 19-7-2012 09:11 Acceptance -2 Clearly someone just trying to wind us bros up.
TheButler 19-7-2012 23:47 Acceptance +1 Try "Naughty Regions" Sauna in Wan Chai, they have what you seek . . .

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