Original Post

17-6-2012 22:57
I seriously cannot make this up...

My worst experience -

Was in Seoul Korea maybe 5-6 years ago at a massage place that gives hand jobs by hot girls.  I don't know the name as I don't speak Korean.  I was taken there by some co-workers.  It was extremely popular and I went on a Saturday night after a lot of drinking so the place was packed.  I got a massage from a very pretty girl and when it was happy ending time, she turned down the lights and put a warm towel over my face.  She stepped out for a minute and then came back and proceeded to give me a handjob.

After I shot, I pulled the towel off because my nose was itchy, and saw that the person who gave me the HJ was a FUCKING DUDE.  Apparently, they were so busy that they had the girls doing the massages and then were having dudes finish the guys off so the girls could go and give another massage.  He started apologizing like crazy.  I was too shocked to do anything at first but once I gathered myself, I went nuclear.  I got my money back, but man... I'm still scarred.  Probably for life.

AsnDragon 18-6-2012 01:57 Karma +1 LOL! a dude? Crap!!
inbkk 18-6-2012 09:19 Karma +1 LOL special B&S
robert2012 18-6-2012 19:40 Karma +1 that is fucked up man....
priapus 22-6-2012 09:18 Karma +1 jesus fucking christ, and in service-driven korea, no less!
Petay_1283 22-6-2012 11:28 Karma +2 OMFG!!!
vercetti08 27-6-2012 12:57 Karma +2 OMFG! All time worst B&S that can happen!

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