Original Post

12-5-2012 13:28
Reply #3806 yazoo's post

There's a difference .... between romanticizing the gal and .....romanticizing what you/she feels and more importantly, expectations YOU have from relationship with a WG.

I personally do admire PRC WG's for their stoic - sometimes even in good humour - acceptance of what's life handed them. NOT only that, but the very nature of most of these gals to truly be loyal/self-sacrificing when it concerns their family.

But the worst thing about this loyalty is that by extension, they are most times also too loyal to their lousy white-faced BF's.

Yes, these gals ARE mostly admirable - but one must never lose sight of the fact that in most cases, relationship with them is predicated on Red Maos changing hands. Both for your sake and even for their sake - for if they lose sight of this perspective, they are only setting themselves up for a hurtful end.  Let/s face it - how many of us mongers are gonna be there for the long run??  IMHO, most of us have 2 facets to our life - our regular life and our sex-driven alternate life.

SEAN - pondering why life sometimes is so difficult to understand...and oft times, to bear even!

Ps edit
A friend of mine just e-mailed me these pictures of The Chinese Military!
Me-thinks they should send these special troops to "combat" at each and every place that China has problems at.
Send 'em to Manila right now! Guaranteed peace!!

[ Last edited by  SEAJ at 12-5-2012 14:58 ]

yazoo 13-5-2012 00:57 Karma +2 Now support increased Chinese military spending
Chasem 13-5-2012 05:32 Karma +1 I'll to march to these pics!
flinger 14-5-2012 10:47 Karma +2 Sweet hotness!
JackTheBat 16-5-2012 14:24 Karma +3 i love a gal in a UNIFORM!

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