Original Post

12-5-2012 12:57

we both realize how hard a life it is for these gals in China, how there really is not much other choice - and how truly remarkable these gals are as far as loyalty, filial piety, strength against truly unmanageable odds etc are.

Seaj, you must be softening.  Usually it is you giving us hell for romanticising the girls, and now we realize that there are some warm fuzzies in your heart after all.

I would like to totally agree with you.  I like to approach every encounter believing that the WG is a wonderful person, either doing the work because she loves it, or because she has a higher calling such as filial piety, etc.

Is it just me?  When I am intimate with a person, I want them to be admirable, as well as memorable.

But I also agree with the first half of your statement - we are all individuals - as are the WG's.   Sometimes you just get a negative vibe, enjoy the sex and forget about any admiriation.

What is wrong with eating pizza in China?  Should you eat only Chinese food?  Should I not eat Chinese food here?

I saw a great sign in a pizza shop a few days ago.
"Pizza is like sex.  When it is good, it is very good.  And when it is bad - it's still pretty good"

SEAJ 12-5-2012 13:29 Karma +1 U equate sex to pizza? Ouch! IMHO it shud at least be equated to fine abalone!

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