Original Post

3-5-2012 22:33
Reply #13 investor's post

I agree with the above comments, instincts are surprisingly good keeping you out of trouble. The reptilian midbrain as an incredibly strong survival instinct and if you listen to it it will sometimes say your civilized human ass from any deadly or at least embarrassing or costly situation. the problem is, however, that the breathtaking midbrain is surrounded by the higher order cerebral cortex where all of the other emotions such as shame, guilt, embarrassment come into play and when these emotions overcome the impulses provided by the reptilian brain, this is where you are too smart for your own good.

It's not exactly related that I have read of cases in the US where basically white guys have been in the wrong part of town and seeing large packs of nonwhite guys and rather than turning around and running for fear of either being considered a coward or as the article I read highlighted, giving offense to the nonwhite guys or otherwise resulting in the individual being called a racist, he ignored his reptilian midbrain.

Yes, I studied psychology in university, and also had a course on the neurobiology.

When mongering, keep your midbrain active all the time.

Keep on mongering

SZ650 4-5-2012 08:42 Karma +1 Very insightful! lol

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