Original Post

22-3-2012 15:00
Reply #16 biardker's post

I've had my ship sink once - and it remains blissfully sunk.  I see her weekly - more if we can manage our schedules to meet more often (which is rare).  The most beautiful woman I ever saw.  

At first it drove me crazy --- cause I was completely head-over-heels for her yet absolutely rejected the idea of falling for a WG.  So I pushed her away over and over.  She never asked for me money - just my time.  Finally, I gave in... Admitted to myself, and her, that I was irretrievably smitten and accepted it.  Ahhhh..., the angst disappeared.  We've now been in an "affair" for quite some time.  Best sex I have ever had!  I am glad I chose to dive in head-first.

angst 22-3-2012 15:05 Acceptance +2 Wow, sounds like my story! I'm on exactly the same ship! :)
Intenseslacker 23-3-2012 05:28 Karma +3 I await with baited breath the other shoe falling side of this tale...

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