Original Post

3-2-2012 11:39

In Japan...Sapporo, Tokyo, Osaka, Okoyama, Hiroshima, Himeji, Kobe, Yokohama...the best in Japan for me is Tokyo Yoshiwara soapland girls...very expensive 400-700usd, but worth it.
In China...Shanghai, Xian, Beijing, Zhongshan and Xiamen...best are the places in Shanghai like Bodi
Hong Kong...Rome, Italy...London, England...Athens, Greece...Vancouver, Canada...
In US...New York... San FRancisco...Phoenix...Atlanta...Philadelphia...Chicago...Atlantic City...Las Vegas...Washington DC...Denver, Colorado...Los Angeles.
Best overall Hong Kong for sheer number of places and prices
Best Girl ever -Noriko in Phoenix Arizona...very thin, beautiful, GFE!
Best in Beijing...Regency across the river from the Kempinski hotel
Favorite place in Hong Kong to monger is Champagne Court...young, beautiful and reasonable.

Blue_Pacific 4-2-2012 12:32 Acceptance +1 Astounding tf, truly diverse in your travels !
camstuckey 6-2-2012 22:47 Karma +2 Well travelled my man!

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