Original Post

4-10-2011 23:57
Sigh...my girl is trying to scam me

Some background info. I met this PRC WG in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia about say 18 months ago. I'd say she's about a 7/10 overall in terms of looks/body and we got along quite well despite my limited Mandarin. Visited her say about once every couple of weeks and sometime in Dec 2010, she went back to her home in some random city in Guangdong. Anyway, I kept in touch with her via email (thanks to Google Translate). In February, I spent a couple of days in HK and asked her to join me and she came. I wired her RMB 1,000 cos I figured that she'll need the money to get to HK.

We had a good time together, visited the Peak and did other coupley stuff for 4 days. Through it all, she didnt' ask for any money, just an LV purse. Even when I asked her if she wanted the LV handbag (which was more expensive), she declined and said she was happy with the purse. Anyway, at the end, I still gave her another RMB 5,000 cos I know she'll need the money anyway.

Fast forward to last month and we met up again in Beijing for more coupley stuff. Same thing, I wired her RMB 2,000 so that she could fly into Beijing instead of taking the train. Went around and did some shopping which I paid for. I think the shopping for her came up to about RMB 2,000 total, mostly clothes and cosmetics. No big ticket item. Again, she didn't ask for any money but I gave her RMB 5,000 anyway. Thought that it's a pretty fair price for her company over the 3-4 days in Beijing.

So overall, I had good vibes about this girl. Of course, I'm not dreaming of marrying her or anything, but I thought that she'd be someone nice to have with me when exploring China. Having her aroudn was also handy given my limited Mandarin (man, these girls are quite feisty at times when protecting their man against scheming taxi drivers, shopkeepers, etc). We exchanged emails regularly and she never asked about money. Until today.

I opened my inbox and found this "宝贝!我爸爸盲肠炎犯了,现在必须做手术,手术费和住院费还有药费一共要15000元!男人,你可以帮我吗?现在急需要!" email. After running it through Google translate, my heart sank. Looks like she's running the good ol' sick family member ruse. So disappointing.

Anyway, I'm not giving her any money whatsoever. I just don't know how to reply to her. I think my best move would be to just ignore her email and forget it. Or do you think I should confront her (via email) about it? Thoughts?

cp141 5-10-2011 12:48 Karma +1 I think I could of fed a regular civie girl for a few months with that much cash
skebe 6-10-2011 15:14 Karma +1 Show us a pic then we can comment :)

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