Original Post

25-9-2011 07:42
Reply #2321 JustSeven's post

Shiet man, hope you heal up/feel better... What's going on with the car that hit you? Any sort of payment for your med bills and whatnot, or did you not push it?


Recently been playing the civvie field the past few weeks, and just realized how lucky I was in the past with some of my SO's in terms of looks and make-up... My previous SO's were all definitely natural beauties, very little make-up, and once they took the make-up off, not really a big difference in looks... Currently.... oh my gawd.....

Had lunch a few days back with a friend and I guess you could call it, a current 'project.' Now, my friend has seen this girl before (with make-up on) and both of us thought she was pretty hot... Well, this day, she came without any make-up on.... and what a difference, and not in a good way. My friend actually got to lunch late, sat down, and didn't say anything to this girl who he knew, simply because he didn't know it was her!!! 2 completely different people

It was so bad that I was wondering if I should even pursue it further.... Then of course, my buddy says it's all the same in the dark... heh heh...

JustSeven 25-9-2011 10:46 Karma +3 Was a rich guy in GZ area. Nice jaguar. He stopped to take a pic of me then drov ...
coqhk 27-9-2011 11:40 Karma +1 The Makeup difference.
SEAJ 27-9-2011 13:35 Karma +1 How abt push up wonderbras? Those shud be outlawed!

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