Original Post

20-9-2011 20:40
Reply #2314 mrpo's post

WOW! So many posts from so many guys!

And that's the reason why my rating comment to you is to thank you ON BEHALF OF ALL OF US - including yourself!  For indeed, this thread is what so many of you guys have made it to be - and I'd like to think a li'l corner where we all can AND DO feel the spirit of Camarederie and easy familiarity.

I'm off on a trip to the first part of October and will perhaps NOT be on as much as usual - so you guys keep this thread up and meanwhile - HAVE FUN on here!!
On a trip out here during the Canton Trade Fair - yes, unfortunately a lot of guys (too many actually LOL) DO come out this way during this twice a year event and invariably everything is over-crowded and prices for things like Hotel rooms - even in Chang Ping rises...and that is if you can get a room!

If you're planning to come out then, I would highly recommend you making your bookings etc early - even for KTV rooms or else, just rely on these agents operating in CP; they seem to be abe to get everything!! Otherwise, periods NOT coinciding with the Trade fair is probably best.
And BTW you should also avoid periods just before/after Chinese New year as the girls go home and that period can also be a bit frustrating for the mongers!
But otherwise, Winter is probably the best time to come out here as its just too hot and muggy during the Summer IMHO.

here's a list of web based reducing programs:


You may also want to read up "Why resizing photos before uploading makes them better quality."
as well as a discussion we had on picture size "Sorry - gotta complain! ForCrissakes - downsize your pixs!!"
http://forum.sex141.com/eforum/v ... ghlight=&page=1
jc8136  - Specific to your question as to why you couldn't upload some more pictrues - its PROBABLY that you have reached your maximum up-loading quota for the day.
Why don't you try doing so tomorrow, and I'm pretty sure you should then be able to do it then.
locus58 - you should check out Internationalsexguide dot you iknow what - They've got good coverage by each area and as such, you should be able to get some info on Ankara there - or indeed - about most other locations around the world.
coqhk - you may want to also try a ploy I many times use with BBS gals.  
On slow week-days, I'd go and chose a gal and make a deal to take the gal for a price in-between the ST and O/N rates - so if say its 200/500, I'd tell the Mommie and the Gal (important - both of them must agree) that I'd take her then, go out and have dinner or drinks or footsies or movies or even just to chill out/whatever, will only pop her once and let her go by Midnight and pay say 350. Most of the mommies in CP are used to me making such a deal and will usually go along with me.

Some though will insist that she be back by 11 PM - as a lot of these BBS's close at midnight and they're figuring to try to get another client for the night.
Just play it by ear on the actual time you promise to have her back at the BBS.

I'd take my time to get to know the gal on my "date" with her, pop her - and if she's good, only then would I make an additional "deal" with the gal; otherwise - sayonara after my pop with her.   


[ Last edited by  SEAJ at 20-9-2011 21:15 ]

coqhk 21-9-2011 13:35 Karma +1 Good ploy.
locus58 21-9-2011 15:20 Karma +1 Thanks. Checked it out already. I think will go in there blind and see what's a ...

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