Original Post

20-9-2011 06:43

Originally posted by SEAJ at 18-9-2011 14:08

Anyway, one night after a KTV session at the Fuhao, he couldn't get up and was rushed to CP hospital.  There, they revived him enough for him to go back to the Miraton to prepare for a trip to Hong Kong - as the CP doctor recommended that he go to Hong Kong where they would have the required equipment/skill/whatever to treat him properly.

I don't know if it is true but the rumor is after leaving the hospital, he did a girl that night ST. Then in the morning they left for HK.  

I miss the guy, my mongering buddy.  Most of the old time mommie know him very well and the story.  

I was told by the guy who is a doctor that visits CP from time to time from the USA, take three different drugs if you can.  For example, take Viagra one day and the next day take Cialis. The third time, take something else that is natural or herbs. Even try not to take anything and do it naturally.  If you keep taking the same drug, you will eventually build an immunity to the drug.  It will take more and more for it to work the next time. Like, it might take 2 pills rather than one pill to get the same effect.

SEAJ 20-9-2011 20:32 Karma +1 No, gal is V. nice N just took care of him all night/did not do "IT"

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