while this thread is by nature anarchic, some interesting things get discussed.
as i've confessed elsewhere on this board, when i was new to The Hobby i was torpedoed by a massage parlor girl from Chiang Mai, Thailand. i mean i was GONE. she was sensible enough to realize my condition and did NOT take advantage. but i understand why those guys lose their life-savings to Isaan gals with the "splayed feet" as SEAJ put it.
that's dangerous, but i think the feelings we get when we are firing on all-cylinders are more dangerous. ppl on the board (and guys i know off-the-board) have confessed to the dangers of Wanchai and its delights. its not my scene as i did all that in civilian life, it was great, and had a different degree of danger. but more than a few have told me that Wanchai is dangerous to their mental health/wallet/liver/relationship-with-SO and for every guy willing to articulate it, there are dozens of others who are crawling on the edge of a straight-razor.
i've been attached, non-attached, i've had SMS-death-threats from strangers who grabbed a WG's phone when she was in the shower or whatever, i've smiled at obvious-boyfriends introduced as cousins, i've had insanely gorgeous women give me head while hanging from a red sash, i've had threesomes, i've had outrageously great punts and lousy punts and ones where i wish i'd stayed home and jerked off instead and have actually thrown a freelancer out of my hotel room (her parting shot: "I HATE EUROPEAN PEOPLE!"
well, i'm half-European anyway.
i love The Hobby, the mizu-shobai as i like to call it. i've had wonderful civilian girlfriends, but i like variety. i like being able to set up the encounter (altho i also get a kick when things go wrong and i'm in the wrong room or something--as anyone who's read my stuff knows, i'm basically a Homer-Simpson-doughnut-brain wandering around trying to find, errr...what was it again, oh yeah, poussoir, D'OH!). i like the whole shooting-gallery carnival aspect to The Hobby.
but i have noticed a couple of general trends:
- this is a SERVICE business. we are individual motors, we visit technicians, they clear our pipes/blow our gaskets/tweak our sparkplugs, whatever. we compensate them. sometimes it's a one-time deal, and that's fine.
- sometimes i like a particular gal for some reason and i return. and i've never liked a dame because she DIDN'T like me, thus she's glad to see me again. and in general, things improve--women prefer a known quantity. if yr a nice guy, she'd rather see u than some other guy. if service is good, why not repeat the experience? bring the gal some small snacks/gifts. they appreciate it.
- and of course, they're women. many like sex, some like sex A LOT. and if they get comfy with u, they end up having as much fun as u. i'm a believer in treating gals like a gentleman: smile and joke, don't fuss about whatever as long as the general experience is working. that said, this "no touching my breasts" thing...i just don't get it. wd u go in for an engine-tuneup if the tech said "oh, no using of wrenches is permitted"?! of course not!! well this hobby is wenches-not-wrenches--show up in reasonable shape, get properly washed, be properly silly and attentive to her needs and there shouldn't be any major problems.
mongering in HK is unique, and i appreciate the variety and fact that i, a non-Chinese-speaking gwailo, am accepted and treated well in this particular pond of the mizu-shobai.
rants don't end, they just stop.
[ Last edited by JackTheBat at 19-9-2011 23:59 ] | |