Original Post

17-9-2011 16:02
Reply #2295 coqhk's post

LOL!  That's what they call "Mature Age!" Muahahaha!

Ooops sorry - just had to get that in!!

But let's face it, our bodily functions DO deteriorate with age - but this should NOT be the only factor, for your use of Viagra and your "viabiity" when at a sauna probably underscore other factors affecting your performance.

I'd suggest it's got more to do with your libido at a particular time and how really sexually attracted you are to the gal - ANY gal, whether KTV, BBS, Sauna etc. Viagra only opens up/dilate the blood vessels better to allow blood to flow into your dick and get an erection. Physical sexual stimulation (as performed by a sauna gal more vigorously) triggers the brain to get that blood pumping towards your dick.

If you are NOT sexually attracted to the gal and not physically being stimulated by a gal - you just ain't gonna get it up! Tumescence is also many times caused by your thoughts being elsewhere..and your brain not functioning in "sex mode."
You start thinking things like - oh crap she's just a cheap BBS gal, not really all that hot, or "shoot" this is dangerous here - what if the LE comes storming in, or Jeez, I gotta be back at work in 3 hours time etc - anything but the sex at hand and you'll probably go half-pole!!

Just IMHO - and please do note - I ain't no medical professional at all - and these are just plain ole mongering POV's!!
If you really ARE worried about Erectile Dysfunction, then you should go and check with your doctor.
I just THINK/opine there's nothing much to worry about - not when ALL'S OK  when you're at a sauna!!
Your plumbing IMHO still works OK - just your brain/thought process needs a bit of adjustment!


cp141 17-9-2011 16:39 Karma +1 I haven't used Viagra..at least not yet...maybe in 10 years..but good to know!
JackTheBat 19-9-2011 23:22 Acceptance +1 SEAJ's advice is right on the money. V helps but it's not a panacea.

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