Original Post

13-9-2011 22:30
Reply #2264 SEAJ's post

Reply #2271 season's post

Good to know that I am not missing out on something by not doing somethings. I had only done Daty once with a WG, as she looks so sweet and innocent, again thinking with the small head instead of the big head, luckily did not catch anything extra. Was worried for a few days after that.

Reply #2264 SEAJ's post

Good suggestions SEAJ, I have not thought about making them about to come and then stop, and get myself serviced first, especially for the girl mentioned. Always enjoy seeing them come, their facial expression is exciting to watch. Dont know if you have tried this before, I had 2 bullet vibrators in a condom, and inserted into their pussy while using a 3rd on her clit, it drives them crazy. Try that sometimes. LOL

Reply #2262 Weelock's post

Our hobby worse nightmare. Hope to not run into one of these situation, only had a close call in Hooker Alley in Shenzhen once. Thanks to Weelock for prompting LE alert in the past. Much appreciated. Better play it safe than be sorry.

SEAJ 13-9-2011 22:54 Karma +2 Thanks!

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