Original Post

5-9-2011 09:02

@Wander Change it to Wanker. It will be much easier to all of us and it suits you much more. I m more than sure I know your planet. Cause its the only planet you can find such a morron having as much money as you say you have. Particularly ones who dont even speak their own language. Or at least those who cant even read it.
English lesson no1 then
I never say I WILL NOT PAY FOR SEX mr Wanker. I said I never paid for sex in my life SO FAR (cause i m not a prophet to know what will I do in the future).
Why i m here ? BECUASE I WANT TO PAY A GIRL TO MASSAGE MY GF. This is not PAYING mr Wanker ?
Do capitals help you a bit more ? I m sure they do. All children start by reading and writting capitals first.
I still dont understand why you re so aggressive. Nobody else is. Just you. Small winnie ? Lack of confidence ? Anger cause you can only find what you want by paying ? Jealous of people who do what they love to do without having to pay ? Get over it. You have enough money to visit a shrink. Or to change the one you already have cause this one SUCKS.
So do it and give me a break.
You seem to be a man who wanted so badly to have money cause it would be the only way to see a pussy close enough.
Stop being such a child.

@all rest. Gentlemen my gf is bisexual ALREADY. How difficult is for you to understand that ? I m not trying to make her one. I m not looking for someone to fuck her and i m not looking for someone to have a 3some. We already have that. End of story.
What I m looking for is a massage girl who will accept performing massage to her in a more sensual way AND I WILL PAY HER
(ok mr Wanker ?).
Its true i m not here to tell you my experiences with hookers or callgirls cause my experiences are quite limited (just been to some places with friends for fun and not in HK or asia in general). But I thought some of you (mr Wanker included) could help me out on where or what to look for. And yes, some helped a lot by pointing to the right directions. Thank you Butler and anyone else who really want to help a newbie.

@JJJ37 Yes thats what we say in my Daycare Planet (according to mr Wanker's wisdom) too.

@ TonyToro I will accept your statement and I will add 1 more type of men. Actually I m generous enough to add 2 types.
1. Those who love paying.
2. Those who cant do it for free.
3. Those who can do it for free but they dont get what they want for free.
4. Those who do it for fun.
5. Mr Wanker

[ Last edited by  psyxiatros at 5-9-2011 09:04 ]

wander 5-9-2011 14:14 Karma -2 Was gonna let it slide. But you are too idiotic to get a waiver
SEAJ 5-9-2011 17:25 Acceptance -1 Pls do NOT start/continue this spam war. Peace bro, PEACE!Thanks!

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