Original Post

30-8-2011 23:05

Hey, PPM,

I live way the fuck far away in the northeast wilds of the New Territories and I've had women come from as far away as Jordan to spend the night at my house, coming over as early as 6pm.


1. Don't be fucking creepy.
2. Speak at least a bit of their language to make conversation somewhat possible.
3. Brush up on some basic information on the food in the major provinces in China. This may sound fucking stupid, but food is always good for conversation and more engaging than the weather. You want to talk to a girl from Wuhan? Talk about BT chicken wings and dry hot noodles. Sichuan? How about dan dan noodles or kong bao chicken?
4. Have some kind of skill. Reverse massage. Sex, oral or otherwise.
5. Don't be fucking creepy.

I've made dinner for them at my house, fed them well, run a bath for them and let them chill out. I imagine it'd be hard (no pun intended) fucking 4-10 guys a day. It always ends with spec-fucking-tacular sex and them trying to steal my blankets because my house is so cold.


[ Last edited by  frontline at 30-8-2011 23:14 ]

bigswingingdik 30-8-2011 23:55 Karma +1

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