Original Post

16-6-2011 01:45

Bro, it's a very personal decision.  How important is honesty in your relationship?  Will jit eat you up inside?

The first time I cheated I couldn't take the guilt and I confessed.  It was a really tough time in the relationship and I knew I was taking a risk in destroying it but my conscious couldn't take it.  We moved on and years went by but then that whole thing about her libido being too dormant started bothering me again.  so I'm back to being a bad SO but I've come to realize I need to have sex, so I shall punt.

Are you willing to risk a great relationship?  Could your relationship overcome your mongering confession if u get caught?  

You yourself may not know the answer.  Don't take it lightly, your value system may be different then some of the guys here.  Your risk tolerance may be different as well.

You are on a site where a bunch of guys take cheating on their SO as an enthusiastic hobby so obviously they have no problem with the guilt.

Could you deal with it?  I'm a different person now, but 2-3 years ago, I couldn't take it.

[ Last edited by  mchk at 16-6-2011 01:46 ]

NY_Mike 19-6-2011 07:50 Acceptance +1 totally agree with this

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