Original Post

9-6-2011 17:50
Reply #1 mustachio's post

By travelling accross the border to meet them, I personally reap the following benefits:
1) More relax and you can have her for the whole day/weekend. In HK, they are stuck in the shithole sucking cock one after another.
2) Damage is usually lower. Price differential applied in China. Pricing based on market. More bargain if their Visa got revoked and not able to enter HK.
3) More GFE and better sex
4) Potential Fuckbuddies
5) Potential rich WGs. If they fancy you, they will spend on you. I am cheapfucka!!
6) Potentiall anal devirginise them!!!

Usually, they are trained WG before they even come to HK; ex-hooker alleys, ex-SN, ex-KTV, ex-massage, seen it all. If they are regular to HK, they usually dont work in China. Hence, you got to spend private time with them.

But beware for we are homosapien with Love and affection:
1) The more you see her, the more complicated the Relationship will be. Time to be a cold bastard....
2) Possesive and demanding. I Fucking needs alibi for a regular WG to go fuck another WG/going to a punting trip. Doenst;s make sense!!!
3) They want your baby

Ratio???I really dont know how to quantify that.......but I say, they will not say NO, unless they have commitment back home (bloodsucka BF / Hubby or with kids).
They Love guys from HK crossing over to Fuck em!!!

Go get it Tiger!!! Live life to the fullest...........you gonna love it

[ Last edited by  hunter at 9-6-2011 17:55 ]

sophron 10-6-2011 09:08 Acceptance +1 sounds like experience. thanks for the advice!

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