Original Post

4-6-2011 15:05
Reply #6 JackTheBat's post

What I am going to recommend next is not for those who cum easily. I like to use a towel when in the doggie position. I will put the towel around her waist and i will fuck her hard in doggie position. As you thrust your hips forward, you pull on the towel that send her butt in your direction. So she is getting it fast and hard. And cause you are using your hips and arm muscle, you will not tire out so easily. She will cum and cum like there is no tomorrow. She has no way to escape. You will feel her pussy muscles contracting non-stop. It is best used with the Bulldog doggie position. And as KaKa's advise, if you have a big dong please do not try this method cause you will severely injure her cervix.

CunningLinguist 5-6-2011 04:11 Acceptance +1 Useful, but would spoil the nice visual of her curves, no?

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