Original Post

4-6-2011 10:53
Locking in

this tiny VN gal i used to visit daily, and i mean DAILY, in Phnom Penh, would put both feet against the back of my thighs, feet parallel to the bed/at right-angles to my thighs, LOCKING me in. this led to the most furious doggying i've ever encountered, i NEVER survived her foot-lock-dog-style

Speaking of locking in, I had this FWB that used to drop by my place unannounced after the bars closed for a early morning romp.  Yes she was a bar girl.  She just wanted a fuck on her way home.  Divorced from some GI, or so she said.

Anyway, she had this weird habit of locking her heels behind the lower part of the back of my thighs in mish.  

Now I know its a little off topic from doggie, but...........

The harder i banged her the deeper she dug in her heels.  It got to the point of rubbing off all the hair and it really would start hurting.  Goddamn felt like she was wearing spurs.  Pump harder, more pain..............just trying to finish..........finally blow.........felt sooo good......like when a hammer stops hitting you in the head.

Not sure why I would always let her in?!?  But I did.........

Can't say what ever happened to her, but all the hair on the back of my thighs have recovered.

Oh sorry, back to doggie


TheButler 4-6-2011 18:35 Acceptance +1 For the shaved hammies visual, lol . . .

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