Original Post

3-6-2011 23:31

frottage, oh yes. consider: all stroking of skin is frottage. i like keeping constant contact with the gal: i like nuzzling their necks, wrapping my arms around them, stroking their breasts (ladies generally aren't fond of having them squeezed like unripe grapefruit--try light, spidery stroking...nipple-pinching can be fun but check for feedback), wrapping my legs around their butt when they're giving me head, stroking their hands/jewelry/whatever. of course some WGs won't let u do some of these things, because once some lunkhead pinched her tit and it HURT. move slowly, ensure she knows she can expect nothing from you but gentle-stroking.

the dog: i have long thighs so it's not always a perfect equation. i like splaying them at angles and moving the girl's butt by grabbing her waist. of course, it's awesome when she goes nutzoid and starts SLAMMING back against you, but that's uncommon. howEVER...

this tiny VN gal i used to visit daily, and i mean DAILY, in Phnom Penh, would put both feet against the back of my thighs, feet parallel to the bed/at right-angles to my thighs, LOCKING me in. this led to the most furious doggying i've ever encountered, i NEVER survived her foot-lock-dog-style. i called her The Sparkler and that is Sparkler-Doggie, how dya like that.

i really love when i sit on a bed and the gal backs onto my dick. standing-dog is great but again, i've got long legs. that said, a firm pillow to stand on and a picture window for her to lean against and fog up with her breath and oh yes i will give it a try ma'am.

but one of my personal faves is when she's lying nude, butt-up, on the bed and u just NAIL HER TO IT. there's an element of surprise here so it's good to be fairly sure she's ready for it. it she's trying to relax or sleep...well, she shoulda covered that fine ass with a sheet...YMMV.

i do have to mention: if gals are closely built and have model-slim butts, doing the dog may be uncomfortable for them...unless they're warmed up first. be considerate, gents.

but gals who've figured out one of the sexiest things they can do is assume the position and look over their shoulder with a look that says: "what you waiting for, bitch! get your boner over here posthaste!"...well now that is a fine phenomenon.


DArtagnan 4-6-2011 10:58 Karma +1 Sparkler! Definitely going to try that one, thanks!

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