Original Post

11-5-2011 18:31
Reply #25 suntory1975's post

I know the feeling. I did it with a friend in her office after work. She doesn't work with me. She's isolated from my usual friendship group and especially no way of her getting in touch with my wife, but even so I felt wracked with guilt and remorse. The biggest terror was when we started banging away and I wanted to put on a condom so I could climax inside her. At that point she said no comdom as she's allergic to latex. Fuck! I was close to orgasm and had to spray on the outside of her pussy then. I was freaking out that she would get pregnant but lucky she had just had her period (small blood mark on the corner of my shirt! Had to wash that out before I got home!!!) And this is from a parent of a lovely 18mth daughter and a newborn baby.

Reading the above I feel like I'm such a shithead for taking such a risk. I would strongly advise everyone against it if you're in the same position as me. There's so much to lose.... Your kids will never forgive you. And despite it feeling so intense because I'd the secrecy and taboo, you really need to focus the attention elsewhere, on your family, and if absolutely necessary, go for a quick bang on a 141 walkup girl. I know, I know, quality varies whereas the colleague is an absolute stunner, your ultimate fantasy and you know she's up for it too. But leave it as a fantasy and take that good karma for the remainder of your married life.

SEAJ 11-5-2011 18:49 Karma +1 Good, well thought out/narrated advise. OP wud be well served reading ur post properly n heeding de advise. Kudos!

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