Original Post

11-8-2010 19:54
Reply #5 DArtagnan's post

I can only share one experience, and it's indirect.

I have an on-again, off-again Thai girlfriend.  She was visiting her family in Isan a couple of weeks ago, and her cousin from another part of Isan came to visit.  She has eight aunts and uncles that live within a block, so it was a big family gathering.  She was telling me about the cousin.  He's mid-30s, has a nice job with the government, and is a very handsome guy (according to her).  He's married with a couple of kids...  and three (possibly four, she was not sure) mia noi.  Evidently everyone knows...  I don't know how his wife feels about it, but clearly he's no outcast.  The only restriction...  His mother told him that he was absolutely prohibited from bringing any of the mia noi to family functions.  That was an honour reserved only for his real wife...  My GF was absolutely unfazed by it all.  She just said in a matter-of-fact tone, "It happens..."

Cheers, CGP

DArtagnan 12-8-2010 10:42 Acceptance +1 Thanks. Social rules seem to be v clear.

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