Original Post

9-7-2010 20:03
Reply #5 atomic3d's post

atomic3d, flinger and others,

OP by his own account is a 22-year-old college/uni student
living in Richmond, BC, a suburb of Vancouver. He had the
hots for a girl in his dance class a few months ago but was
too shy to approach her and remained a virgin.

With the help of extensive psychological counselling from
bros here, he finally took the plunge and tried a WG, then many
others in Richmond and Vancouver and has reported on several
of them. How can he afford them on a student budget? He has
said he comes from a well-off Chinese family, and there are many
of them in his part of the world.

OP has provided phone numbers and ratings of local micros as
well as craigslist links to girls he has tried, so I don't think
he is a troll, but as Twice says, he remains severely conflicted
about sex and could do with professional help, perhaps from
a counsellor/psychologist on campus.

I am prepared to take the issues he raises at face value, as
he seems to have gone overboard after losing his virginity
and has failed to attempt to develop a healthier approach
to women and to seek the non-physical pleasures that can come
with a developing relationship with a civi girl that the Korean
WGs he has tried can only be a surrogate for.

I think he would do well to consider the advice of his fellow
Canadian flinger, break out of the rut and, with his newfound
confidence with girls, practise flirting and maybe going out
on dates with some of the campus girls he finds attractive.

hunter 10-7-2010 12:42 Karma +1 good summ
G-A-R-Y 11-7-2010 02:17 Acceptance +1 You're being to soft. He's full of shi .

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