Original Post

16-6-2010 16:46
Reply #3 Leyxia's post

A ticket is £60 + 5 criminal fund tax (yes there is a tax on crime in the UK)

The biggie is the points.

If you get 6 points in your first year of driving you get your licence revoked and have to take your test right from the begining again, the test in the UK has gotten progressively harder and harder. My elite level bike instructor finds the test today difficult. Same thing if you are totted up to 9 points you get 3 points you get a 3-6 month ban.

In extreme circumstances you get banned and you get told if you want your driving licence back you need to sit the advanced extended test. The normal test you are allowed 15 minor errors a max of 5 in each category, major errors = fail though.

The extended test lasts twice as long costs three times as much as you are only allowed 2 minors per category with a maximum of 10 allowed, it is stupidly hard to discourage people from getting banned in such a way.

Points also = huge increases in insurance (UK points last for 3 years but must be declared for 5)

Leyxia 16-6-2010 17:50 Acceptance +1 Excellent

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