Original Post

19-1-2010 19:02
My rules

Before I got married, I told my wife:

Dear, you're so young and beautiful and since I love you so much, I want you to know that if you were ever unfatihful (and of course I hope that it never happens!!) that you follow the follwoing rules
1. Deny - no matter what
2. Don't ever let me lose face amongst my friends (don't ever let any body know)
3. Don't ever bring back anything dirty (VD etc)
4. Don't ever have another "unit" than us. (no bambinos!)

This is of course my own way of telling her what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

Asian wives KNOW that it is unrealistic to expect their husbands to be 100% faithful - an just as long as the above "rules' are followed - does it matter to her if you're out working, playing golf, seeing old friends or Boinking some other gal! Absolutely no difference.

One other thing - as a husband to an Asian Woman - one MUST be fullly responsible for her and the family - you do that and everything else is seen "one eye open, one eye closed." Asian women are THAT practical

The key is to find the right woman to make your life partner - and its' a lot easier to find such a woman amongst Asians.



grantorino2 22-1-2010 08:37 Acceptance +3 Couldn't have said it better...

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