Original Post

22-9-2009 00:39
Reply #1 glen's post

How does your question differ from that of kill3r1511? People are just going to tell you the same thing they told him.

But since I didn't contribute to that thread, here's my take on things:

Some will say your ethnicity will make a difference, some will say it won't; but the truth is, nobody knows. There are too many unknown variables involved to give you a definitive answer; tho it wouldn't surprise me if some of the local girls give you the cold shoulder if you try to chat them up in a pub.

However, as far as paid sex is concerned, my feeling is that your individual appearance will make a a far bigger difference than your nationality. Most of the Hotel Girls, who are from the Mainland, probably won't have any idea where you're from. It's the HK people, who have a long, shared history with people form the Indian Subcontinent, who might be prejudiced, and knowledgeable enough to actually know the difference. So my advice is stick with the HGs.

When doing HGs, it's always good to take a list of 5 or so because, invariably, some will not be available. Don't even mention where your from, and if one turns you down, try another. It's not unheard of for a HG to turn down a white guy as well. If that does happen, just brush it off. Bigotry is just mean-spirited stupidity - it says nothing about you, and you already know the world if full of assholes.

In any case, no matter what people say in this forum, you aren't going to know unless you try.

conqueror77 9-8-2010 13:50 Acceptance +3 Favorable

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